Justice & Mercy

Laundry Love


    Laundry Love is a ministry where we serve our neighbors by covering the cost of washing and drying clothes and bedding for low- and no-income individuals and families.

    Once a month, we gather at COIN Laundry to provide this service—paying for laundry, offering prayer, and building friendships. More than just clean clothes, our hope is to bring dignity, encouragement, and care to those who may not always have the means to wash their clothes.


    WHERE: Coin Laundry, 5200 W Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80214, USA

  • volunteer

    We need volunteers! Anyone is welcome to volunteer with us at Laundry Love. 

    - Welcome people
    - Hold signs at the street.
    - Provide quarters for machines.
    - Make relationships and show care for people

    Volunteers gather at 9:45 am to pray and prepare

  • Donate 

    Laundry Love is funded by donations from generous people in our city and within our church. A load of laundry costs around $5. We provide detergent, dryer sheets, and money for washing and drying. The estimated cost for running a day of free laundry is between $300-$500.

    We give generously because God has first been generous to us. We dream of becoming a church marked by radical generosity. Your tithes and offerings help fulfill the mission that God has given this church. 

Anthem Church believes that if we are not seeking the renewal of the city Jesus has placed us in, we have too small a vision for what His death and resurrection accomplished. We are dedicated to seeing the Good News of Jesus applied and worked out through the various areas of life; education, arts, family, economics, governance, environment, etc. (Revelation 21:5; Ephesians 1:7-10; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21)

How Do We Serve?
Laundry Love is the first Justice initiative started by Anthem Church. This ministry engages the low/no-income families who live along Colfax Ave. Through Laundry Love, we serve by washing the clothes and bedding of the families and individuals who live in the neighborhood. We are always in need of volunteers and donations. 

We are dedicated to expanding and starting up ministries of justice & mercy throughout our city and the world. We know this will require prayer and people who want to live out this vision with us.

Would you consider partnering with us?